Jimmy Gownley is the New York Times Bestselling author of Amelia Rules! And the Dumbest Idea Ever. He has done work for Disney on properties such as Tangled, Zootopia and an upcoming Little Mermaid series. His new book 7 Good Reasons Not to Grow Up is out now from Scholastic.
https://www.simonandschuster.com/authors/Jimmy-Gownley/20799241 https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/authors/jimmy-gownley/ Michael Cohen
Co-writer/artist of Strange Attractors, a science fiction comic which ran for 17 issues 1993-1995.
The editor and publisher of Mythography, a fantasy anthology which ran for 8 issues in 1995-1997. He contributed Empyrean Tales, an ongoing fantasy adventure.
He was the editor of Forbidden Book from Renaissance Press, an anthology of short stories about magic, which ran for 2 issues in 2001-2002. He also did the cover art and wrote and drew several stories. He wrote and drew the Science Fiction comic The Washouts.
He was the editor of the Amelia Rules comic from Renaissance Press 2000-2005.
He has recently finished a 4 volume graphic novel called Tangled River, and is currently working on finishing his long incompleted fantasy graphic novel A Gathering of Spells. He has published a compilation of his early short science fiction and fantasy comics called Off the Map.